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Events for 5785 / 2025 forthcoming.
Many thanks in advance for your patience during this time of War.

The People v. Leo Frank, by Ben Loeterman

Film Screenings and Discussions

Summer 2020  [Delayed due to COVID-19. Details TBD.]

(Watch the trailer for this film online at 
BenLoeterman on YouTube.)

Lemon Tree | עץ לימון | شجرة ليمون, by Eran Riklis

Film Screenings and Discussions

Summer 2020  [Delayed due to COVID-19.  Details TBD.]

(Watch the trailer for this film online at 
IFCFirstTake on YouTube.)

Shoah, by Claude Lanzmann

Film Screenings and Discussions

International Holocaust Remembrance Day
27 January 2020


(Watch the trailer for this film online at 
IFC Films on YouTube.)


"[The International Literature Festival Berlin (das internationale literaturfestival berlin, or ilb) has called individuals, schools, universities, media outlets, television stations, and cultural institutions to join a worldwide screening of Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah on 27 January. Eight Goethe-Instituts in cities across North America – Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Montreal, Toronto, New York, San Francisco, and Washington – are participating in collective observance of this anniversary."


For those unable to join in on one of the previously organized screenings, from wherever you are in the world, you may watch Shoah by Claude Lanzmann online (in an abridged original version - unsubtitled, in four parts) on the Israel Documentary Channel (YouTube):

Shoah, First Era, First Part:

Shoah, First Era, Second Part:

Shoah, Second Era, First Part:

Shoah, Second Era, Second Part:

For more information about the pre-organized subtitled screenings taking place worldwide, please consult the following websites:

The International Literature Festival Berlin (Das Internationale Literaturfestival Berlin) (Official Website):

Goethe Institute (Official Website):

We Have a Dream, presented by ISRAELrealNATION

Film Screenings and Discussions

January 2017

(Watch this film online at the
ISRAELrealNATION Channel on YouTube.)

He Named Me Malala, by Davis Guggenheim

Film Screenings and Discussions

February 2017

(Film screening resources and information about purchase of this film available at the Malala Fund.

You may also rent or purchase the film online here.)

Musta'arabi, Misrahi and Sepharadi Experiences of the Shoah

Presentations and Discussions

April/May 2017

Aleppo Tales, by Haim Sabato

Book Discussions

August 2017

(The English edition of this novel is available at Amazon.)

Le Marabout de Blida, by Annie Cohen

Book Discussions

November 2017

(The English/French edition of this novel is available at Amazon.)

Yom Ha'atsmaout (Israeli Independence Day)


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ISRAELrealNATION encourages education and active participation in respect of the critical issues facing Israel, the Jewish Diaspora, and the people and nations of the larger Middle East today. 

Some of our past activities and events include:


  • Presentations and Discussions: "The Jewish Naqba: Honoring the History of Jews from Arabic Countries";

  • Presentations and Discussions:"The Fight to Cut Off Terrorism Financing: 'Following the Money' to Save Lives";

  • Presentations and Discussions: "The Iranian 'International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust'";

  • Presentations and Discussions: "The Case of Dieudonné";

  • Presentations and Discussions: "Combatting Revisionist Histories!";

  • Presentations and Discussions: "Humanitarian Crisis:  The Plight of Syrian (and World) Refugees";

  • Presentations and Discussions: "Jewish American Contributions to the US Civil Rights Movement and the Freedom Summer of 1964";

  • Presentations and Discussions: "Seeking Justice in Neshoba County, Mississippi: The Re-Opening of the Goodman, Chaney, Schwerner Case";

  • Positive Engagement: Organization of a silent demonstration of support for the State of Israel during Operation Cast Lead, as well as for all civilians — both Israeli and Palestinian — who suffered injury or lost their lives during the course of the conflict;

  • Positive Engagement: Participation in a global show of support for the International Red Cross and (now formerly) kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit;

  • Positive Engagement: Tehillim reading for IDF soldiers;

  • Film Screenings and Discussions (beyond those featuring our own Educational Media): "The Attack" (Ziad Doueiri), "Gett, the Trial of Viviane Amsalem" (Ronit Elkabetz, Shlomi Elkabetz), "Amreeka" (Cherien Dabis), "Before the Revolution" (Dan Shadur), "Eyes on the Prize, Volume 5: Mississippi: Is This America? 1962-1964" (Orlando Bagwell), "Neshoba: The Price of Freedom" (Micki Dickoff, Tony Pagano);  and

  • Book Discussions: "The Flying Camel" (Loolwa Khazzoom, editor), "The Fixer" (Bernard Malamud), "Embroideries" (Marjane Satrapi), "Memory for Forgetfulness" (Mahmoud Darwish), "Cry of Cassandra: The Resurgence of European Anti-Semitism" (Simon Epstein), "Wedding Song: Memoires of an Iranian Jewish Woman" by Farideh Dayanim Goldin.

In the future, we also hope to make positive contributions to legal forums, discussions, and matters concerning justice issues for the State of Israel — whether before secular courts or Batei Din (Jewish religious courts) — in pursuit of a "just peace" for both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as for all others directly or indirectly affected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict across the larger Middle East and the larger world.

Finally, and integral to our work as it progresses, we shall also seek to sponsor a wider range of Arts and Culture events celebrating the beauty of Israel, the Jewish Diaspora, and the people and nations of the larger Middle East.

Participation, contributions, exchange respecting human dignity most welcome.

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